Ayatollah Khomeini
1900 – 1989

Revolutionary. He was an ayatollah, that is, a Shiite religious leader, but his opposition to the Shah's secularism led him to overthrow the regime and establish a theocracy. War with Iraq followed but the United States was targeted as the principal enemy.

1874–1952Chaim Weizmann
1922–1995Itzhak Rabin
1919–1980Mohammad Pahlavi
1947–1996Mohammed Najibullah
1898–1978Golda Meir
1892–1960Amanullah Khan
1937–2006Saddam Hussein
1915–1981Moshe Dayan
1886–1973David Ben-Gurion
1884–1963Itzhak Ben-Zvi
1913–1992Menachem Begin
1928–2000Hafez al Asad
1929–2004Yasser Arafat