Charles Atlas
1893 – 1972

Body-builder. His career promoted a particular ideal of the male body, with hard, bulging muscles, especially in the chest and biceps, that was novel. (This was not the body one saw in classical or modern sculpture.) This struck some observers as an unsightly caricature of the ideal of male strength or hardihood, but it captured the popular imagination, and still holds it.

Born 1923Franco Zeffirelli
1813–1901Giuseppe Verdi
1895–1926Rudolph Valentino
1858–1924Giacomo Puccini
1876–1958Pius XII
1835–1914St. Pius X
1922–1975Pier Pasolini
1848–1923Vilfredo Pareto
1883–1945Benito Mussolini
1852–1940Edgar Mortara
1870–1952Maria Montessori
1876–1944Filippo Marinetti
1853–1932Enrico Malatesta
1908–1973Anna Magnani
1836–1909Cesare Lombroso
1881–1963John XXIII
1920–1993Federico Fellini
1925–1997Danilo Dolci
1881–1947Ettore Bugatti
1892–1953Ugo Betti
1922–1984Enrico Berlinguer
Born 1935Giorgio Armani
1880–1918Guillaume Apollinaire
Born 1940Mario Andretti