  • A Theology of Liberation: History, Politics, Salvation
    (Available New and Used)
  • The Power of the Poor in History
    (Available New and Used)
  • We Drink from Our Own Wells: The Spiritual Journey of a People
    (Available New and Used)
Gustavo Gutiérrez
Born 1928
No description is currently available for Gustavo Gutiérrez
1920–1961Leonardo Villas-Bôas
1919–1952Eva Perón
1944–1988Chico Mendes
1928–1967Che Guevara
1899–1986Jorge Borges
Born 1938Leonardo Boff
1931–2009Augusto Boal
1906–1988Sir Frederick Ashton
1890–1936La Argentina
1908–1973Salvador Allende