Immanuel Kant
1724 – 1804

Philosopher. Kant is considered by some to be the greatest philosopher, or at least European philosopher, who ever lived. In addition to pointing out that the reality we observe will always be shaped by our mind, he tried to place morals on a firm foundation of logic through his celebrated Categorical Imperative, which held that actions can only be justified if we wished everyone else to emulate them. A professor of fixed habits, he lived all his life in one city and devoted himself totally to scholarship and philosophy.

1700–1760Nicolaus Zinzendorf
1679–1754Christian Wolff
1730–1794Frederick Steuben
1788–1860Arthur Schopenhauer
1759–1805Friedrich Schiller
1767–1845August Schlegel
1768–1834Friedrich Schleiermacher
1775–1854Friedrich von Schelling
1743–1812Meyer Rothschild
1779–1859Carl Ritter
1770–1847George Rapp
1795–1886Leopold von Ranke
1720–1797Freiherr von Münchhausen
1800–1891Helmuth Moltke
1778–1852Frederick Jahn
1701–1790Johann Hontheim
1798–1874August Hoffmann
1744–1803Johann Herder
1775–1831Georg Hermes
1797–1856Heinrich Heine
1770–1831Georg Hegel
1755–1843Samuel Hahnemann
1785–1863Jacob Grimm
1786–1859Wilhelm Grimm
1749–1832Johann Goethe
1777–1855Carl Gauss
1782–1852Friedrich Fröebel
1762–1814Johann Fichte
1804–1872Ludwig Feuerbach
1801–1887Gustav Fechner
1797–1848Annette Droste-Hülshoff
1799–1890Johann Dollinger
1747–1794Gottfried Bürger
1778–1842Clemens von Brentano
1770–1827Ludwig van Beethoven
1714–1762Alexander Baumgarten
1801–1859Karl Baedeker
1781–1831Achim von Arnim
1739–1807Anna Amalia