Pierre Bayle
1647 – 1706

Philosopher. His Dictionairre historique and critique of 1696, which espoused toleration and a skeptical attitude toward philosophical and religious truths, became an early tract of the Enlightenment and influenced Diderot and other contributors to The Encyclopedie.

1580–1660St. Vincent de Paul
1626–1696Madame de Sévigné
1675–1755Louis Saint-Simon
1614–1679Cardinal de Retz
1626–1700Armand Rancé
1588–1665Catherine de Vivonne Rambouillet
1697–1763l'Abbé Prévost
1628–1703Charles Perrault
1623–1662Blaise Pascal
1627–1693Anne Montpensier
1689–1755Charles Montesquieu
?–1672Jean Martinet
1620–1705Ninon de Lenclos
1610–1674Jean de Labadie
1613–1680François La Rochefoucauld
1621–1665Jean La Fontaine
1645–1696Jean de La Bruyère
1648–1717Jeanne Marie Guyon
1592–1655Pierre Gassendi
1657–1757Bernard Fontenelle
1643–1670Claude Duval
1596–1650René Descartes
1698–1762Jean Calas
1616–1680Antoinette Bourignon
1627–1704Jacques Bossuet
1636–1705Pierre Beauchamp
1612–1694Antoine Arnauld