St. Agnes of Assisi
1197 – 1253

Christian Nun and Saint. She assisted her sister, St. Clare, in founding the order of Poor Clares, the female counterpart of St. Francis's order. Like St. Francis, she and her sister exemplified a simple, pure, uncompromising, and thus revolutionary, Christianity, an attempt to follow Jesus's teachings directly, to reject all forms of worldliness, to embrace the natural world, including animals and birds, to serve the poor and sick and anyone in need, and to live as much as possible as Jesus lived.

1230–1298Jacobus de Voragine
1230–1306Jacopone da Todi
1135–1202Joachim of Fiore
1160–1216Innocent III
c. 1181–1226St. Francis of Assisi
1194–1253St. Clare of Assisi
1215–1296St. Celestine V
1182–1253John Carpini
1235–1303Boniface VIII
1225–1274St. Thomas Aquinas