  • Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom (Merrill D. Peterson, Editor; Robert C. Vaughan, Editor; Robin W. Lovin, Series Editor)
    (Available New and Used)
  • The [United States] Declaration of Independence
    (Available as a Free Digital Edition)
  • The Jefferson Bible
    (Available as a Free Digital Edition)
  • Notes on the State of Virginia
    (Available as a Free Digital Edition)
Thomas Jefferson
1743 – 1826

President. On his tombstone, he described himself as author of the Declaration of Independence, of the Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom, and founder of the University of Virginia. He was also a founding father of the U.S., a political philosopher, and a champion of human rights. Critics have said that he was ambitious and opportunistic as a politician, inconsistent (opposing debt while running up vast personal debts, opposing slavery but keeping slaves, etc.), and something of a sybarite, unable to stop importing fine European wines and goods even at the cost of impoverishing his daughters.

1801–1877Brigham Young
1732–1799George Washington
1811–1896Harriet Beecher Stowe
1818–1893Lucy Stone
1815–1902Elizabeth Stanton
1793–1880Lucretia Mott
1781–1849William Miller
1755–1835John Marshall
1736–1784Ann Lee
1807–1870Robert E. Lee
1819–1910Julia Howe
1805–1879Angelina Grimke
1792–1873Sarah Grimke
1805–1879William Garrison
1706–1790Benjamin Franklin
fl. c. 1703–c. 1758Jonathan Edwards
1821–1910Mary Baker Eddy
1817–1895Frederick Douglass
1800–1891George Bancroft
1771–1852Hosea Ballou