Walter Bagehot
1826 – 1877

Economist and journalist. His English Constitution of 1807 helped define a Constitution which, famously, remains unwritten to this day. He was thus a major figure in the movement for constitutional government as well as lawyer, economist, and editor of The Economist magazine.

1759–1833William Wilberforce
1858–1943Beatrice Webb
1759–1836Charles Simeon
1866–1943Beatrix Potter
1839–1894Walter Pater
1857–1928Emmeline Pankhurst
1834–1896William Morris
1873–1958G. E. Moore
1802–1876Harriet Martineau
1766–1834Thomas Malthus
1800–1859Thomas Macaulay
1865–1936Rudyard Kipling
1792–1866John Keble
1832–1902G. A. Henty
1778–1840George Brummell
1757–1827William Blake
1847–1933Annie Besant