Browsing People by region: Biblical (29 records)
  • fl. c. 1450 – c. 1250 BCE, Biblical Patriarch

    Biblical Figure

  • fl. 2000 BCE, Biblical

    (Early 2nd Century BCE) Biblical patriarch. He was the legendary forebear of both the Jews and the Arabs through different women. His life expressed a fervent devotion to his God and to monotheism.

  • fl. 1050 BCE, Biblical

    Prince of Israel. The most cherished son of King David, he betrayed his father.

  • Biblical

    First man and woman in the Hebrew and Christian Bible. They combined innocence and disobedience.

  • 835 – 765 BCE, Biblical

    Old Testament prophet. He expressed the value of monotheism, of obedience to God's Laws, and of the right to speak out against the transgressions of the powerful.

  • fl. 50, Biblical
  • Biblical

    Biblical murderer.

  • 1040 – 970 BCE, Biblical

    King of Israel. In his battle with the Jewish giant Goliath, he exemplified youthful daring and courage. In his lust for the beautiful married woman, Bathsheba, he exemplified human weakness.

  • 622 – 570 BCE, Biblical
  • Biblical
  • fl. 750 BCE, Biblical
  • Biblical

    Biblical son of Abraham, Bedouin ancestor, Progenitor. The son of Abraham by Hagar, he is popularly described as the forebear of the Arabs.

  • Biblical
  • fl. 650 BCE, Biblical
  • fl. 1050 BCE, Biblical

    Biblical figure. He refused to abandon his close friend David despite his father King Saul's hostility to him and the threat posed to his succession. In the end, he was killed in battle with the Philistines along with his father.

  • fl. 50 BCE, Biblical
  • Biblical

    Biblical figure. His character is tested and formed as he is sold into slavery by jealous brothers and falsely accused by his owner's wife. But he becomes the vizier of Egypt, forgives his brothers, and saves both Egypt and his family from starvation.

  • Biblical

    Biblical figure. She bravely decapitated Holofernes, Nebuchadnezzar's military commander, while he slept.

  • fl. 50, Biblical
  • fl. 650 BCE, Biblical