Aristarchus of Samothrace
215 – 145 BCE

Grammarian and critic. In addition to helping preserve Homer, he helped develop philology, whose Greek roots mean love of words.

?–168 BCEZang
202–157 BCEEmperor Wen of Han
190–159 BCETerence
259–210 BCEQin Shihuangdi
fl. 150 BCEZhang Qian
fl. 150 BCEPatanjali
185–110 BCEPanaetius
fl. 200 BCEJaimini
247–182 BCEHannibal
159–121 BCEGaius Gracchus
168–133 BCETiberius Gracchus
260–203 BCEQuintus Fabius Maximus
234–149 BCEMarcus Cato
214–129 BCECarneades
299–210 BCECallimachus
287–212 BCEArchimedes