  • Failure Is Impossible: Susan B. Anthony in Her Own Words (Author: Lynn Sherr)
    (Available New and Used)
  • The Elizabeth Cady Stanton - Susan B. Anthony Reader (Author: Ellen Dubois)
    (Available New and Used)
Susan B. Anthony
1820 – 1906

Social reformer and preeminent American feminist. She fought against alcohol and slavery but especially for a woman's right to be independent of her husband and to vote. With Elizabeth Cady Stanton, she founded the National American Woman Suffrage Association in 1869 and thereafter traveled tirelessly around the country speaking and agitating to promote the organization and its cause. She also co-authored a multi-volume history of the Women's Suffrage movement.

1817–1862Henry David Thoreau
1902–1987Carl Rogers
1809–1865Abraham Lincoln
1743–1826Thomas Jefferson
1842–1910William James
1859–1952John Dewey
1897–1980Dorothy Day
1857–1938Clarence Darrow
1835–1919Andrew Carnegie
1837–1921John Burroughs
1821–1912Clara Barton
1860–1935Jane Addams