Arnaut Daniel
Also known as: Arnaut Daniel de Riberac
fl. 1150

Troubadour to Richard the Lion-hearted. His songs of chivalry and love were much prized.

1170–1220Wolfram von Eschenbach
1180–1249William of Auvergne
1050–1120Johannes Roscellinus
1157–1199Richard I
1160–1218Simon de Montfort
1138–1204Moses Maimonides
1100–1160Peter Lombard
1135–1202Joachim of Fiore
1160–1216Innocent III
1060–1134St. Stephen Harding
fl. 1150Gratian
1100–1154Geoffrey of Monmouth
fl. 1150Blondel
fl. 1150Bernard of Morval
1090–1153St. Bernard of Clairvaux
1180–1246Gonzalo de Berceo
?–1173Benjamin of Tudela
1118–1170St. Thomas à Becket
1100–1155Arnold of Brescia
1079–1142Peter Abelard