Jalal ad-Din ar-Rumi
1207 – 1273

Poet. His poetry is considered a leading Sufi text, but is popular outside Islam as well. Some of his followers eventually became known as the Whirling Dervishes.

1170–1220Wolfram von Eschenbach
1190–1264Vincent de Beauvais
1250–1305Jean de Meung
1180–1249William of Auvergne
1270–1305Sir William Wallace
1140–1218Peter Waldo
1230–1298Jacobus de Voragine
1230–1306Jacopone da Todi
fl. c. 1250–c. 1350Wilhelm Tell
1254–1324Marco Polo
1160–1218Simon de Montfort
1214–1270St. Louis IX
fl. c. 1200–c. 1240Guillaume de Lorris
1235–1315Ramon Llull
1162–1227Genghis Khan
1214–1294Kublai Khan
1224–1317Jean Joinville
1160–1216Innocent III
fl. 1250Robin Hood
1256–1302Gertrude of Helfta
c. 1181–1226St. Francis of Assisi
1260–1327Johannes Eckhart
1265–1308Johannes Duns Scotus
1194–1253St. Clare of Assisi
1215–1296St. Celestine V
1182–1253John Carpini
1235–1303Boniface VIII
1180–1246Gonzalo de Berceo
1220–1292Roger Bacon
1225–1274St. Thomas Aquinas
1221–1284Alfonso X
1218–1263St. Alexander Nevski
1197–1253St. Agnes of Assisi